Friday, April 6, 2007


AIM is conducting an orientation course for the candidates preparing for UGC ,CSIR ,JRF ,NET in Mathmatics to be held on 17th June2007.Resource persons include eminent scholars from various colleges and universities in Kerala.The proposed programme will commence on 15th April 2007 and end on 10th June 2007.
Classes will be held on all public holidays.Interested candidates should register on or before 15th April 2007.
For more details click AIM

Thursday, April 5, 2007


Cine Press of India Dialy has started it's first step to the beginning of big leap of Journalism in the year of 1979 . The primary purpose of starting this venture was to suppliment the local media with the news and views about the issues and happenings around the world from a local perspective . Since then , the intial publishing activities has been discontinued due to many reasons .

However , the determination of the personnel behind this venture has kept Cine Press of India Dialy presence in the Local Print Media by Distributing Awards for the SSSLC Toppers from the Alleppey District . The award has been presented in the name of late Mr. Kunchocko , the founder of UDAYA Studio in the year 1979,1980 & 1981.